Michigan Egg Production

Michigan’s family-owned and operated egg farms care for more than 15 million hens. These birds are fed a precise diet for their health and nutrition, receive a continuous supply of fresh water and feed, are protected from predators and inclement weather, and are raised under the highest animal care standards. Michigan eggs can be found across the country and close by at local diners, large restaurant chains, grocery stores and food service providers. Michigan produced eggs are loaded with vitamins and minerals, and are the least expensive source of high-quality protein per standard USDA serving.

Egg Facts

A Michigan shape with the number 6
Michigan ranks 7th in the nation in the production of eggs.
A barn and silos with the number 8
Michigan has eight farm owners with a combined 15 million birds on 17 farms.
1.4 billion
The egg industry has a total of $1.4 billion in economic impact in the state of Michigan.
A graphic of a chicken, rooster, and chick
Baby chickens are called chicks. Young hens prior to lay onset are called pullets. Males are called roosters. Females are called hens.
A graphic with a figure of a person by 23 eggs
Michigan egg producers provide each Michigander with 42 dozen eggs per year.
A graphic of an egg with 4.3 billion
There are over 5 billion eggs produced in Michigan every year (2024).
A graphic of a chicken
A laying hen produces eggs for approximately 14 months. One hen will produce 250–300 eggs per year.
A graphic of 3 eggs
The breed of hen determines the color of the egg: white, brown, or blue/green.

Egg Nutrition:

Eggs provide the most grams of protein per dollar spent (55grams/$1).

Packed with plenty of vitamins and minerals for only 70 calories per egg.

Contain lutein and zexanthin, two antioxidants that help prevent macular degeneration.

Yolks are an excellent source of choline, an essential nutrient that contributes to fetal brain development and adult brain functioning.

Three eggs on a table

To learn more about eggs and for recipes, visit incredibleegg.org.